Okay so just try to memorize this, use your ears, and then as soon as you get that down, throw that open B string in between every single one of those notes. Now as soon as we throw that open B string in between every one of the notes sounds like this… all right so awesome sounding riff, love this riff. Starts off on the high E string open 2, 3, 5, 3, 2, open, almost kind of like a scale going forward and backwards right. Okay so the way we’re actually gonna learn it, first is just half of the riff, so even if it ends up sounding like this, we’re gonna learn like this and then we’re gonna add that B string in between every other note, so let’s memorize this. It’s using something called a pedal point, all that means is every other note is gonna be the open B string. Paint It Black RiffĪlright one of the most iconic riffs ever on guitar, it sounds like this… Okay so it’s actually a lot easier than maybe it seems if you never tried it before. The strumming, which is a great lesson in triplets, so a lot of stuff is gonna be covered in this lesson and let’s get right to it.

We’re gonna take into account different parts of the different instruments going on how the drum is playing it etc… Its four parts we’ve got an intro kind of riff, we have the verse chords, the chorus chords and the outro. Make sure you click the link below because it’s gonna have the tab and the chords we’re gonna go over because this is gonna be like an acoustic representation of everything that the band is doing. What’s going on everybody? Sean Daniel with Guitar Control here and today we’re gonna learn a classic song Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones.